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Direct from our valued customers

I have been feeling not up to 100% for a long time, then Stroke Scan came to my church and I signed up.... What do I have to lose...? My wife said I was wasting our money. Came up one Saturday morning 9:00 am checked in fast, efficient and professional. Fifteen minutes, done, checked o.k. About a month later, I got a letter and ultrasound of my neck carotid artery and found a tumor on my left side thyroid the size of a grape, 2.5 x 1.7 x 0.7 cm weighing 2 grams. Had more tests, had the tumor removed. It tested benign, thank God! For many years, decades I have been having trouble swallowing and turning my neck to the left. After surgery, that was greatly improved or gone all together. Who knows how long the tumor had been there. I feel better and I had no idea the tumor caused all this trouble and pain. If Stroke Scan was not around, I don't know if I would have ever found the tumor. This is life changing for me.
Thanks to the team of Stroke Scan that came to my church, especially the tech that found the tumor. Well done!
I am sending a picture of my tumor.
Robert M
I think Stroke Scan probably saved my life or saved me from a debilitating stroke or heart attack.
Luckily, I decided to have the Stroke Scan test every year since I am now 87 and have developed some health (& family health) issues. Last year, my carotids were fine. This year, my right one was in the middle range. Test was in March and by the time I got to see a doctor several months later, the right carotid artery was blocked 90%, which put me in grave danger. Stroke Scan had called me twice to see if I was following up. It is astounding how fast you can go from good to bad or bad to worse. Granted, sometimes on more advanced medical tests you come out o.k. but follow ups are vital and we all hope for a doctor who wants to see us again in a year (or never). I came from generations of doctors and medical personnel and have great respect for them but do believe in preventative medicine, monitoring your own health, getting second opinions, considering alternative and natural solutions where possible, good nutrition, exercise, and doing the best we know how to stay healthy and as active as we are able.
Thank you so much for your caring and persistence!
Nina D
Dear Stroke Scan Quality and Control Dept,
I would like to express my appreciation of the quality and importance of your services. I took advantage of the Stroke Scan services when they were offered through our local Catholic Church in Hebbronville, TX. The results alerted me for further evaluation when they indicated a thyroid cyst, gall stone and P.A.D. readings. I took the screening results to my primary physician during my annual checkup. He informed me that because I had no prior symptoms for any of these conditions he would not have ordered further testing and they would have remained undetected until they became more severe. He also informed me that if a patient has no symptoms or concerns, insurance companies will not cover additional "unwarranted" tests. However, the screening results justified further testing and references to specialists. I am happy to have been able to follow through with proper specialists and have the problems taken care of in time.
Thank you again for a great service,
Marianela R

My prayers and my faith in God is so strong that I hope it's my third year free of cancer. I hope that this testimony helps save more lives. Many thanks for contributing to save my life because I have two important reasons to live; my children.
Maria N
To Whom It May Concern
Recently, my husband had an exam from your team. At this time, they found an aneurysm in the aorta. We took the picture you sent us to our doctor in Laredo. The doctor told us you were foolish, he did not have an aneurysm but he had to follow through because of the picture you sent us. The, they gave him a scan and the size was 4cm. at that time. We wanted a second opinion so we went to Decatur, Illinois to see Dr. Trachtenberg. He took a scan and the aneurysm was almost 5 cm. He said we had to do surgery as soon as possible. We said "O.k." He had surgery in August and so because of the Stroke Scan team, he is alive and walking today.
We thank God every day for all of you, for being here for us!
Thank you and God bless all of you!
Harley & Annis H

These results were sent to a thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon who recommended immediate surgery. Two weeks later I underwent successful surgery on my carotid artery. Now, a little over one month later, I am on the bandwagon urging everyone I know to get checked. It is a painless procedure that will only take about an hour out of your life. I now realize that in my case it prevented a stroke at the very least, and may well have saved my life. You can be sure that I will be having this test done once a year as part of my regular medical exam."
C. K. / Corpus Christi, TX.

B. Brosch / Mission. TX

In October, while having scans performed by Stroke Scan in Portland at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, a blockage was found in my left carotid artery. I was given results immediately and informed that I should take those to my cardiologist. Dr. Ormand checked them and prescribed an angiogram to be done. The angiogram showed an 85% blockage in that-artery. On November IS, Dr. Tovares performed surgery to clean out the artery. I was released the next day and I believe that the work done by Stroke Scan saved me from a possible stroke. My most sincere thanks go to Stroke Scan personnel for their great work."
Gary C
"Dear Sirs,
My wife and I participated in a series of tests offered by your company at our church, Saint Rose of Lima in Houston. During the testing, an abdominal aortic aneurysm was detected in me.
I subsequently went to a cardiologist, had a CT scan and found that I had an AAA approaching 5cm. On recommendation from my doctor, I had successful graft surgery (full surgery) in June. I was released the 24th and I am at home recovering. I truly believe that if I had not had your testing, the AAA would have gone undetected as I am a 55 year old male in great health. I want to express my heart felt appreciation to your company and technicians for very possibly saving my life."
God Bless,
Chris S
Houston, Tx.

P.S. My family doctor in Wichita, Kansas said it was a good idea to have the tests run as now he can order further study if needed and my insurance will pay the bill."

Thanks to Joey Wyatt who did my scan. I am very grateful to him and his staff for the scan. It prevented a stroke for me. Thanks for a job well done."
Herald B

Thank you for your potentially priceless service.
After a mass at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Conroe, a representative of your company announced that Stroke Scan was offering screening tests to identify certain potential problem areas to alert individuals to conditions needing further attention. I was fortunate enough to opt to take the tests.
During the carotid Doppler test, your sonographer, Gwen Stanton identified a sever condition of plaque in my left internal carotid artery and suggested further diagnostic testing>
I contacted my cardiologist who ordered a similar test that confirmed your test findings. That led to an angiogram and a subsequent carotid endarterectomy on April 15th. The surgeon reported 99% blockage in the artery.
One can only imagine what future damage may have occurred if my condition went undiscovered for a further extended period of time.
All I can suggest is that you continue your efforts to address to other groups the availability and advisability of your screening tests.
Special thanks to Gwen Stanton and to the gentleman who offered the service at our church."
Sincerely yours,
John M
Montgomery, Texas

We saw a cardiologist the following Tuesday and he was scheduled for a coronary angiogram the next day. We and Dr. Morales were shocked at the findings. He had two 100% blockages, two 95% blockages and five 90% blockages. He had surgery performed by Dr. Bracomontes on the 22nd and he had to do a five way bypass and repair one area below the bypasses, then proceed to do an angioplasty on the carotid artery. Thank goodness he was in good physical condition; he didn't have any other health problems to work against him. Dr. Morales said he could have had a stroke or heart attack at any time and either would have been fatal.
So we're thankful he had an angel sitting on his shoulder> Thanks to all of you at Stroke Scan for doing the good work you are doing."
Don and Pat W

The result showed both carotid arteries were 90% blocked. Within a week he was having surgery on one of the carotid arteries but before the surgery, he had an angiogram done on his heart. The test showed Marv also needed six heart bypasses! All of this required two surgeries.
Marv is doing great now. Better than ever and it began with Stroke Scan. He would have never had these tests unless a stroke or heart attack would have occurred. I firmly believe there's a big chance that I would not have my husband with me now had it not been for that screening that we took advantage of. My question is: Why should we need to wait for a symptom before our doctor can order these tests?"
Sincerely, Marilyn B Mission, TX.

My grateful thanks to the Stroke Scan team and the good work you are doing to help people stay well."
Ray H Donna, TX.

On October 17, 2003 you were at my church, St. Anthony of Padua in Palacios, TX. My wife and I went over and had the test you offered. The test revealed blockage in my left carotid artery. I went to my cardiologist and they confirmed what your test showed ( 75% blockage). I had surgery on October 30, and got to come home on the afternoon of the 31st. My surgeon, Dr. James Taylor of Victoria, TX. said I would have had a stroke within a year. I thank you for saving my life and encourage you to keep up your good work. I would never have gone to the doctor just to have this test or any other without having severe symptoms and in this case, sever symptoms would have been too late. God bless you and tour good works."
Milo S

What you did not know is that I'm a retired physician and have taken care of stroke patients for 40 years. To follow your advice, I did call my doctor who advised me to take baby aspirin and omega 3 oil caplets and try to get home, which we did without any further mishap.
On March 9th, I was able to see a cardiovascular surgeon, Dr. Robert Fleming in Wichita, Kansas. On March 10th, I was on the operating table for two hours. The surgeon found that I was 95% blocked.
I sincerely appreciate your efforts and your concern for me at the time of your scan tests. I will see you again next year!"
Sincerely yours,
Wilmer A. Harms, M.D.
Newton, Kansas

Keep up the good work and hopefully, you can help someone who has a problem and doesn't know it."
Sincerely, Juddy
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