CALL: 1-866-935-7226

Frequently asked questions
Q: Will insurance or Medicare cover these exams?
A: Typically, No. If you are not having any symptoms, insurance may not pay for you to have this done. However, if we find a problem your doctor will have the evidence they need to order the expensive diagnostic versions of our scans, then insurance or Medicare will cover it.
Q: How often should I be screened?
A:The frequency is dependent on family history of cardiovascular or cancer. The scans that we provide are affordable enough and informative enough to be done once a year. Although vascular disease tends to progress slower if you are in the none to mild category, it is possible that a cyst or tumor that could be cancerous could show up on the thyroid, gall bladder, liver or kidneys at any time. If we find moderate vascular disease however, you may wish to have the arteries scanned every 6 months. Even if we scan you, and you and no disease is found, we still encourage you to take results to your doctor so he can put them in your file and use them as a baseline for the future.
Q: How long does the screening process take?
A: Usually 20-30 minutes for all exams.
Q: Is Stroke Scan Plus affiliated with any hospital?
A: No, we are a private company with highly skilled and well qualified technicians and we do have a Board Certified Radiologists in every state review all of our images. The patients are referred to their PCP.
Q: What qualifications do your techs have?
A: Our skilled and qualified ultrasound techs are graduates from accredited ultrasound schools and have extensive experience in the field.
Q: How do these scans compare to diagnostics scans in a hospital?
A: It is basically the same test, except that we do not provide a diagnosis like a hospital would. We only provide a screening service that is to be used as a tool for further testing if something is found so that a diagnosis can then be made by your physician.
Q: How does the equipment compare to a hospitals?
A: It is the same state of the art equipment hospitals use, the only difference is that it is designed for mobile applications.
Q: When do I get the results?
A: Usually 3-4 weeks, but could be more or less time depending on the season and current work-load.
***Life threatening results will be expedited for quicker response.
***Life threatening results will be expedited for quicker response.
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