Corporate Services
Our Corporate screening service includes biometrics. To find out more info on our corporate services, click HERE.

Stroke Risk Screening/Carotid Artery Color-flow Doppler Ultrasound
Using non-invasive (i.e., without using radiation), harmless and painless sound waves, soft and calcified plaques can be seen attached to the walls of the carotid arteries which are the arteries in the neck that supply the brain with oxygen. Color-flow Doppler makes it possible to see the characteristics of blood flow in the carotid arteries. Plaque, or stenosis, in the carotid arteries can be as significant as 95% and cause no noticeable symptoms. 80% of strokes are caused by blockages. Stenosis can be easily missed during a routine physical with a stethoscope. Ultrasound is the most reliable, affordable, non-invasive imaging tool to detect carotid artery disease, and remains one of the best weapons to prevent ischemic stroke.
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening
The identification of AAA is usually based on an ultrasound examination of the aorta which is the main artery in the abdominal area. Using harmless and painless sound waves, AAA can be seen on the abdominal aorta. AAA can be the size of a baseball and cause no noticeable symptoms. Ultrasound is the most effective, affordable way to detect AAA early. Early detection remains one of the best weapons to prevent rupture and sudden death.

5 Vital Organ Screenings
While scanning the Thyroid, Gallbladder, Liver and Kidneys, the identification of nodules, stones, cysts or even masses that could be cancerous is easily possible*. Using harmless and painless sound waves, these problems can be seen in the abdominal area while we are scanning the aorta. You may have stones, cysts or tumors that cause no noticeable symptoms. Ultrasound is the most effective, affordable way to detect these problems early. Early detection remains one of the best weapons to prevent and treat potentially life threatening disease that may be occurring in the organs.
*Ultrasound cannot detect all organ abnormalities. It can detect most physical abnormalities depending on the size (>2-3mm) and other physical attributes, for e.g., body habitus.
The identification of risks of diabetes, high cholesterol or prostate cancer can easily be obtained using a simple finger stick blood draw, NOT a needle in the arm.
- A1c/Diabetes Test - 3-month blood sugar (No fast required for this screening)
- Cholesterol/Glucose/Full lipid Test (8 Hr. Fast required for cholesterol)
- PSA/Prostate Specific Antigen Test (No fast - Refrain from all sexual activity 48 hrs. prior)
- CRP/C-Reactive Protein Test - Related to heart disease inflammation markers
- TSH/Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Test
- GGT/Liver Enzyme Test
- CRE/Kidney Creatinine/Serum Test
- COR/Adrenal Cortisol Test
- VTD/Vitamin D Blood Levels Test
- TTE/Total Testosterone Test
- Package Pricing Available

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